Sound-a-Motion: Country Style Dancers is now called Wisconsin Country Style Dancers
Ready.. Set.. Let's Line Dance!!!
We are a group of Line Dancers dancing Country Style within “Central Wisconsin”.
Our group is centered in Marshfield but we have dancers from
Merrill, Wausau, Mosinee, Stevens Point,
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Dells, Loyal, Spencer, Medford and areas in between.
Don't live in Central Wisconsin? That's ok, we welcome dancers from any area! We enjoy having visitors.
We only offer Line Dance Lessons. There are weekend dances that offer Partner Dancing, but no lessons.
If you are searching to learn partner dances, please refer to the link,
Stetson Stompers
They offer line dance lessons and Pattern Partner Lessons.
Line Dance Lessons take place at:
Main Location:
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish | 1410 W. 5th St. | Marshfield
Select Locations (1x per month)
Rookies Sports Pub | 3425 Church St. | Stevens Point
Mosinee Brewing Company | 401 Fourth St. | Mosinee WI
Munson Bridge Winery | W6462 Bridge Rd. | Owen Withee
Click for a Map & Lesson/Dance Schedule.
There are occasional weekend dances on Friday or Saturday Nights.
At these dances we play music for Line Dancers, Pattern Partner Dancers and Two-Step folks.
There are usually no lessons at these events. Just dancing.
Follow us on Facebook
Feel free to browse our website and contact us today
@ 715-305-9992 or wisconsincsd@gmail.com
Wisconsin Country Style Dancers are a proud Member of the Central Wisconsin Country Dancers.
We provide lessons, demos and host weekend dances and a few CWCD Club Dances.